Source code for authnzerver.handlers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Aug 2018
# License: MIT - see the LICENSE file for the full text.

'''These are handlers for the authnzerver.



import logging

# get a logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


import json
from datetime import datetime
import asyncio

[docs]class FrontendEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, datetime): return obj.isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, bytes): return obj.decode() elif isinstance(obj, complex): return (obj.real, obj.imag) else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
# this replaces the default encoder and makes it so Tornado will do the right # thing when it converts dicts to JSON when a # tornado.web.RequestHandler.write(dict) is called. json._default_encoder = FrontendEncoder() import ipaddress import base64 import multiprocessing as mp import tornado.web import tornado.ioloop from cryptography.fernet import Fernet, InvalidToken from sqlalchemy.sql import select from . import authdb from . import actions ######################### ## REQ/RESP VALIDATION ## #########################
[docs]def check_host(remote_ip): ''' This just returns False if the remote_ip != ''' try: return (ipaddress.ip_address(remote_ip) == ipaddress.ip_address('')) except ValueError: return False
[docs]def decrypt_request(requestbody_base64, fernet_key): ''' This decrypts the incoming request. ''' frn = Fernet(fernet_key) try: request_bytes = base64.b64decode(requestbody_base64) decrypted = frn.decrypt(request_bytes) return json.loads(decrypted) except InvalidToken: LOGGER.error('invalid request could not be decrypted') return None except Exception: LOGGER.exception('could not understand incoming request') return None
[docs]def encrypt_response(response_dict, fernet_key): ''' This encrypts the outgoing response. ''' frn = Fernet(fernet_key) json_bytes = json.dumps(response_dict).encode() json_encrypted_bytes = frn.encrypt(json_bytes) response_base64 = base64.b64encode(json_encrypted_bytes) return response_base64
##################################### ## AUTH REQUEST HANDLING FUNCTIONS ## #####################################
[docs]def auth_echo(payload): ''' This just echoes back the payload. ''' # this checks if the database connection is live currproc = mp.current_process() engine = getattr(currproc, 'authdb_engine', None) if not engine: currproc.authdb_engine, currproc.authdb_conn, currproc.authdb_meta = ( authdb.get_auth_db( currproc.auth_db_path, echo=False ) ) permissions = currproc.authdb_meta.tables['permissions'] s = select([permissions]) result = currproc.authdb_engine.execute(s) # add the result to the outgoing payload serializable_result = [dict(x) for x in result] payload['dbtest'] = serializable_result result.close()'responding from process: %s' % return payload
# # this maps request types -> request functions to execute # request_functions = { # session actions 'session-new':actions.auth_session_new, 'session-exists':actions.auth_session_exists, 'session-delete':actions.auth_session_delete, 'session-delete-userid':actions.auth_delete_sessions_userid, 'session-setinfo':actions.auth_session_set_extrainfo, 'user-login':actions.auth_user_login, 'user-logout':actions.auth_user_logout, 'user-passcheck': actions.auth_password_check, # user actions 'user-new':actions.create_new_user, 'user-changepass':actions.change_user_password, 'user-delete':actions.delete_user, 'user-list':actions.list_users, 'user-edit':actions.edit_user, 'user-resetpass':actions.verify_password_reset, 'user-lock':actions.toggle_user_lock, # email actions 'user-signup-sendemail':actions.send_signup_verification_email, 'user-verify-emailaddr':actions.verify_user_email_address, 'user-forgotpass-sendemail':actions.send_forgotpass_verification_email, # apikey actions 'apikey-new':actions.issue_new_apikey, 'apikey-verify':actions.verify_apikey, # access and limit check actions 'user-check-access': actions.check_user_access, 'user-check-limit': actions.check_user_limit, } ############# ## HANDLER ## #############
[docs]class EchoHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): ''' This just echoes back whatever we send. Useful to see if the encryption is working as intended. '''
[docs] def initialize(self, authdb, fernet_secret, executor): ''' This sets up stuff. ''' self.authdb = authdb self.fernet_secret = fernet_secret self.executor = executor
[docs] async def post(self): ''' Handles the incoming POST request. ''' ipcheck = check_host(self.request.remote_ip) if not ipcheck: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=400) payload = decrypt_request(self.request.body, self.fernet_secret) if not payload: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=401) if payload['request'] != 'echo': LOGGER.error("this handler can only echo things. " "invalid request: %s" % payload['request']) raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=400) # if we successfully got past host and decryption validation, then # process the request try: loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() response_dict = await loop.run_in_executor( self.executor, auth_echo, payload ) if response_dict is not None: encrypted_base64 = encrypt_response( response_dict, self.fernet_secret ) self.set_header('content-type','text/plain; charset=UTF-8') self.write(encrypted_base64) self.finish() else: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=401) except Exception: LOGGER.exception('failed to understand request') raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=400)
[docs]class AuthHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): ''' This handles the actual auth requests. '''
[docs] def initialize(self, config, executor, reqid_cache, failed_passchecks): ''' This sets up stuff. ''' self.config = config self.authdb = self.config.authdb self.fernet_secret = self.config.secret self.pii_salt = self.config.piisalt self.emailsender = self.config.emailsender self.emailserver = self.config.emailserver self.emailport = self.config.emailport self.emailuser = self.config.emailuser self.emailpass = self.config.emailpass self.executor = executor self.reqid_cache = reqid_cache self.failed_passchecks = failed_passchecks
[docs] async def post(self): ''' Handles the incoming POST request. ''' ipcheck = check_host(self.request.remote_ip) if not ipcheck: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=400) payload = decrypt_request(self.request.body, self.fernet_secret) if not payload: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=401) if payload['request'] == 'echo': LOGGER.error("This handler can't echo things.") raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=400) # if we successfully got past host and decryption validation, then # process the request try: # get the request ID # this is an integer reqid = payload.get('reqid') if reqid is None: raise ValueError("No request ID provided. " "Ignoring this request.") # # put the reqid into a cache and get it back # reqid_cache_len = len(self.reqid_cache) self.reqid_cache.add(reqid) if len(self.reqid_cache) == reqid_cache_len: raise ValueError( "[%s] Request ID was repeated. Ignoring this request." % reqid ) # # trim the reqid_cache as needed # if len(self.reqid_cache) > 1000: self.reqid_cache.pop() # # dispatch the action handler function # # inject the request ID into the body of the request so the backend # function can report on it payload['body']['reqid'] = reqid # inject the PII salt into the body of the request as well payload['body']['pii_salt'] = self.pii_salt # inject the email settings into the body if an email function is # called if 'sendemail' in payload['request']: payload['body']['smtp_sender'] = self.emailsender payload['body']['smtp_user'] = self.emailuser payload['body']['smtp_pass'] = self.emailpass payload['body']['smtp_server'] = self.emailserver payload['smtp_port'] = self.emailport # run the function associated with the request type loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() response = await loop.run_in_executor( self.executor, request_functions[payload['request']], payload['body'] ) # # see if the request was user-login. in this case, # we'll apply backoff to slow down repeated failed passwords # if (payload['request'] == 'user-login' and response['success'] is False): # increment the failure counter and return it if (payload['body']['email'] in self.failed_passchecks): self.failed_passchecks[payload['body']['email']] += 1 else: self.failed_passchecks[payload['body']['email']] = 1 failed_pass_count = self.failed_passchecks[ payload['body']['email'] ] # asyncio.sleep for an exponentially increasing period of time # until 40.0 seconds ~= 10 tries wait_time = 1.5**(failed_pass_count - 1.0) if wait_time > 40.0: wait_time = 40.0 await asyncio.sleep(wait_time) # reset the failed counter to zero for each successful attempt elif (payload['request'] == 'user-login' and response['success'] is True): self.failed_passchecks.pop( payload['body']['email'], None ) # # trim the failed_passchecks dict # if len(self.failed_passchecks) > 1000: self.failed_passchecks.pop( self.failed_passchecks.keys()[0] ) # # form the response # response_dict = {"success": response['success'], "reqid": reqid, "response":response, "message": response['messages']} encrypted_base64 = encrypt_response( response_dict, self.fernet_secret ) self.set_header('content-type','text/plain; charset=UTF-8') self.write(encrypted_base64) self.finish() except Exception: LOGGER.exception('failed to understand request') raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=400)