Source code for authnzerver.cache

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Aug 2018
# License: MIT - see the LICENSE file for the full text.

'''This contains functions to drive the cache.



import logging

# get a logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


import os.path
import time
from datetime import datetime

from diskcache import FanoutCache


[docs]def cache_add(key, value, timeout_seconds=0.3, expires_seconds=None, cache_dirname='/tmp/authnzerver-cache'): ''' This sets a key to the value specified in the cache. ''' cachedir = os.path.abspath(cache_dirname) cache = FanoutCache(cachedir, timeout=timeout_seconds) added = cache.add(key, value, expire=expires_seconds) cache.close() return added
[docs]def cache_get(key, timeout_seconds=0.3, cache_dirname='/tmp/authnzerver-cache'): ''' This sets a key to the value specified in the cache. ''' cachedir = os.path.abspath(cache_dirname) cache = FanoutCache(cachedir, timeout=timeout_seconds) val = cache.get(key) cache.close() return val
[docs]def cache_pop(key, timeout_seconds=0.3, cache_dirname='/tmp/authnzerver-cache'): ''' This sets a key to the value specified in the cache. ''' cachedir = os.path.abspath(cache_dirname) cache = FanoutCache(cachedir, timeout=timeout_seconds) val = cache.pop(key) cache.close() return val
[docs]def cache_delete(key, timeout_seconds=0.3, cache_dirname='/tmp/authnzerver-cache'): ''' This sets a key to the value specified in the cache. ''' cachedir = os.path.abspath(cache_dirname) cache = FanoutCache(cachedir, timeout=timeout_seconds) deleted = cache.delete(key) cache.close() return deleted
[docs]def cache_increment(key, timeout_seconds=0.3, cache_dirname='authnzerver-cache'): ''' This sets up a counter for the key in the cache. Sets the key -> time of initial insertion Then increments 'key-counter'. ''' cachedir = os.path.abspath(cache_dirname) cache = FanoutCache(cachedir, timeout=timeout_seconds) # add the key if not already present key_added = cache.add(key, time.time()) # increment the counter in either case if key_added: key_count = cache.incr('%s-counter' % key) else: key_count = cache.incr('%s-counter' % key) cache.close() return key_count
[docs]def cache_decrement(key, timeout_seconds=0.3, cache_dirname='/tmp/authnzerver-cache'): ''' This decrements the counter for key. ''' cachedir = os.path.abspath(cache_dirname) cache = FanoutCache(cachedir, timeout=timeout_seconds) decremented_val = cache.decr('%s-counter' % key) # if the counter hits zero, delete the key entirely from the cache if decremented_val == 0: cache.delete(key) cache.delete('%s-counter' % key) decremented_val = 0 cache.close() return decremented_val
[docs]def cache_getrate(key, timeout_seconds=0.3, cache_dirname='/tmp/authnzerver-cache'): '''This gets the rate of increment for the key by looking at the time of insertion inserted at key and the number of times it was incremented in key-counter. The rate is then: key-counter_val/((time_now - time_insertion)/60.0) ''' cachedir = os.path.abspath(cache_dirname) cache = FanoutCache(cachedir, timeout=timeout_seconds) # get the counter value counter_val = cache.get('%s-counter' % key, default=0) # get the time of insertion that we stored at the key itself time_of_insertion = cache.get(key, default=None) if time_of_insertion is not None: rate = (counter_val/(time.time() - time_of_insertion))*60.0 else: rate = 0.0 cache.close() return ( rate, counter_val, datetime.fromtimestamp(time_of_insertion).isoformat() )
[docs]def cache_flush(timeout_seconds=0.3, cache_dirname='/tmp/authnzerver-cache'): ''' This removes all keys from the cache. ''' cachedir = os.path.abspath(cache_dirname) cache = FanoutCache(cachedir, timeout=timeout_seconds) items_removed = cache.clear() cache.close() return items_removed