Source code for authnzerver.autosetup

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Aug 2018
# License: MIT - see the LICENSE file for the full text.

'''This contains functions to set up the authnzerver automatically on first-start.



import logging

# get a logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


import os
import os.path

[docs]def autogen_secrets_authdb(basedir, database_url=None, interactive=False): '''This automatically generates secrets files and an authentication DB. Run this only once on the first start of an authnzerver. Parameters ---------- basedir : str The base directory of the authnzerver. - The authentication database will be written to a file called ``.authdb.sqlite`` in this directory. - The secret token to authenticate HTTP communications between the authnzerver and a frontend server will be written to a file called ``.authnzerver-secret-key`` in this directory. - Credentials for a superuser that can be used to edit various authnzerver options, and users will be written to ``.authnzerver-admin-credentials`` in this directory. - A random salt value will be written to ``.authnzerver-random-salt`` in this directory. This is used to hash user IDs and other PII in logs. database_url : str or None If this is a str, must be a valid SQLAlchemy database URL to use to connect to a database and make the necessary tables for authentication info. If this is None, will create a new SQLite database in the ``<basedir>/.authdb.sqlite`` file. interactive : bool If True, will ask the user for an admin email address and password. Otherwise, will auto-generate both. Returns ------- (authdb_path, creds, secret_file, salt_file) : tuple of str The names of the files written by this function will be returned as a tuple of strings. ''' import getpass from .authdb import ( create_sqlite_authdb, initial_authdb_inserts, create_authdb ) from cryptography.fernet import Fernet # # get the default permissions JSON # mod_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) permissions_json = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(mod_dir, 'default-permissions-model.json') ) if interactive: # # get the auth DB URL # LOGGER.warning( "Enter a valid SQLAlchemy database URL to use for the auth DB." ) print("If you leave this blank and hit Enter, an SQLite auth DB") print("will be created in the base directory: %s" % basedir) input_db_url = input( "Auth DB URL [default: auto generated]: " ) if not input_db_url or len(input_db_url) == 0: database_url = None LOGGER.warning( "Enter the path to the permissions policy JSON file to use." ) print("If you leave this blank and hit Enter, the default permissions") print("policy JSON shipped with authnzerver will be used: %s" % permissions_json) input_permissions_json = input( "Permission JSON path [default: included permissions JSON]: " ) if input_permissions_json and len(input_permissions_json) > 0: permissions_json = input_permissions_json if database_url is None: # create our authentication database if it doesn't exist authdb_path = os.path.join(basedir, '.authdb.sqlite') if not os.path.exists(authdb_path): LOGGER.warning('No existing authentication DB was found, ' 'making a new SQLite DB in authnzerver basedir: %s' % authdb_path) # generate the initial DB create_sqlite_authdb(authdb_path, echo=False, returnconn=False) database_url = 'sqlite:///%s' % authdb_path elif 'sqlite:///' in database_url: # generate the initial DB create_sqlite_authdb(authdb_path, echo=False, returnconn=False) else: create_authdb(database_url, echo=False, returnconn=False) # ask the user for their email address and password the default # email address will be used for the superuser if the email address # is None, we'll use the user's UNIX ID@localhost if the password is # None, a random one will be generated try: userid = '%s@localhost' % getpass.getuser() except Exception: userid = 'serveradmin@localhost' if interactive: inp_userid = input( '\nAdmin email address [default: %s]: ' % userid ) if inp_userid and len(inp_userid.strip()) > 0: userid = inp_userid inp_pass = getpass.getpass( 'Admin password [default: randomly generated]: ' ) if inp_pass and len(inp_pass.strip()) > 0: password = inp_pass else: password = None else: password = None try: # generate the admin users and initial DB info u, p = initial_authdb_inserts(database_url, permissions_json=permissions_json, superuser_email=userid, superuser_pass=password) if not u and not p: LOGGER.error("Could not do initial inserts into the auth DB.") return None, None, None except Exception: LOGGER.warning( "Auth DB is already set up at the provided database URL. " "Not overwriting..." ) creds = os.path.join(basedir, '.authnzerver-admin-credentials') if os.path.exists(creds): LOGGER.warning("Admin credentials file already exists. " "Not overwriting...") else: with open(creds,'w') as outfd: outfd.write('%s %s\n' % (u,p)) os.chmod(creds, 0o100400) if p: LOGGER.warning('Generated random admin password, ' 'credentials written to: %s\n' % creds) # we'll generate the server secrets now so we don't have to deal # with them later'Generating server secret tokens...') fernet_secret = Fernet.generate_key() fernet_secret_file = os.path.join(basedir,'.authnzerver-secret-key') if os.path.exists(fernet_secret_file): LOGGER.warning("Authnzerver communication secrets file already " "exists. Not overwriting...") else: with open(fernet_secret_file,'wb') as outfd: outfd.write(fernet_secret) os.chmod(fernet_secret_file, 0o100400) # finally, we'll generate the server PII random salt'Generating server PII random salt...') salt = Fernet.generate_key() salt_file = os.path.join(basedir,'.authnzerver-salt') if os.path.exists(salt_file): LOGGER.warning("Authnzerver salt file already " "exists. Not overwriting...") else: with open(salt_file,'wb') as outfd: outfd.write(salt) os.chmod(salt_file, 0o100400) # # return everything # if database_url is not None: return database_url, creds, fernet_secret_file, salt_file else: return authdb_path, creds, fernet_secret_file, salt_file