authnzerver.actions.session module

This contains functions to drive session-related auth actions.

authnzerver.actions.session.auth_delete_sessions_userid(payload: dict, override_authdb_path: str = None, raiseonfail: bool = False, config: types.SimpleNamespace = None) → dict[source]

Removes all session tokens corresponding to a user ID.

If keep_current_session is True, will not delete the session token passed in the payload. This allows for “delete all my other logins” functionality.

  • payload (dict) –

    This is a dict with the following required keys:

    • session_token: str
    • user_id: int
    • keep_current_session: bool

    In addition to these items received from an authnzerver client, the payload must also include the following keys (usually added in by a wrapping function):

    • reqid: int or str
    • pii_salt: str
  • override_authdb_path (str or None) – If given as a str, is the alternative path to the auth DB.
  • raiseonfail (bool) – If True, will raise an Exception if something goes wrong.
  • config (SimpleNamespace object or None) – An object containing systemwide config variables as attributes. This is useful when the wrapping function needs to pass in some settings directly from environment variables.

Returns a dict with a success key indicating if the sessions were deleted successfully.

Return type:


authnzerver.actions.session.auth_kill_old_sessions(session_expiry_days: int = 7, override_authdb_path: str = None, raiseonfail: bool = False, config: types.SimpleNamespace = None) → dict[source]

Kills all expired sessions.

  • session_expiry_days (int) – All sessions older than the current datetime + this value will be deleted.
  • override_authdb_path (str or None) – If given as a str, is the alternative path to the auth DB.
  • raiseonfail (bool) – If True, will raise an Exception if something goes wrong.
  • config (SimpleNamespace object or None) – An object containing systemwide config variables as attributes. This is useful when the wrapping function needs to pass in some settings directly from environment variables.

Returns a dict with a success key indicating if the sessions were deleted successfully.

Return type:


authnzerver.actions.session.auth_session_delete(payload: dict, override_authdb_path: str = None, raiseonfail: bool = False, config: types.SimpleNamespace = None) → dict[source]

Removes a session token, effectively ending a session.

  • payload (dict) –

    This is a dict with the following required keys:

    • session_token: str

    In addition to these items received from an authnzerver client, the payload must also include the following keys (usually added in by a wrapping function):

    • reqid: int or str
    • pii_salt: str
  • override_authdb_path (str or None) – If given as a str, is the alternative path to the auth DB.
  • raiseonfail (bool) – If True, will raise an Exception if something goes wrong.
  • config (SimpleNamespace object or None) – An object containing systemwide config variables as attributes. This is useful when the wrapping function needs to pass in some settings directly from environment variables.

Returns a dict with a success key indicating if the session was deleted successfully.

Return type:


authnzerver.actions.session.auth_session_exists(payload: dict, override_authdb_path: str = None, raiseonfail: bool = False, config: types.SimpleNamespace = None) → dict[source]

Checks if the provided session token exists.

  • payload (dict) –

    This is a dict, with the following keys required:

    • session_token: str

    In addition to these items received from an authnzerver client, the payload must also include the following keys (usually added in by a wrapping function):

    • reqid: int or str
    • pii_salt: str
  • override_authdb_path (str or None) – If given as a str, is the alternative path to the auth DB.
  • raiseonfail (bool) – If True, will raise an Exception if something goes wrong.
  • config (SimpleNamespace object or None) – An object containing systemwide config variables as attributes. This is useful when the wrapping function needs to pass in some settings directly from environment variables.

Returns a dict containing all of the session info if it exists and has not expired.

Return type:


authnzerver.actions.session.auth_session_new(payload: dict, override_authdb_path: str = None, raiseonfail: bool = False, config: types.SimpleNamespace = None) → dict[source]

Generates a new session token.

  • payload (dict) –

    This is the input payload dict. Required items:

    • ip_address: str
    • user_agent: str
    • user_id: int or None (None indicates an anonymous user)
    • expires: datetime object or date string in ISO format
    • extra_info_json: dict or None

    In addition to these items received from an authnzerver client, the payload must also include the following keys (usually added in by a wrapping function):

    • reqid: int or str
    • pii_salt: str
  • override_authdb_path (str or None) – If given as a str, is the alternative path to the auth DB.
  • raiseonfail (bool) – If True, will raise an Exception if something goes wrong.
  • config (SimpleNamespace object or None) – An object containing systemwide config variables as attributes. This is useful when the wrapping function needs to pass in some settings directly from environment variables.

The dict returned is of the form:

{'success: True or False,
 'session_token': str session token 32 bytes long in base64 format,
 'expires': str date in ISO format,
 'messages': list of str messages to pass on to the user if any}

Return type:


authnzerver.actions.session.internal_edit_session(payload: dict, raiseonfail: bool = False, override_authdb_path: str = None, config: types.SimpleNamespace = None) → dict[source]

Handles editing the extra_info_json field for an existing user session.

Meant for use internally in a frontend server.

  • payload (dict) –

    The input payload dict. Required items:

    • target_session_token: int, the session to edit
    • update_dict: dict, the changes to make to the extra_info_json column of the sessions table for the target session token.

    The extra_info_json field in the database will be updated with the info in update_dict. To delete an item from extra_info_json, pass in the special value of “__delete__” in update_dict for that item.

    In addition to these items received from an authnzerver client, the payload must also include the following keys (usually added in by a wrapping function):

    • reqid: int or str
    • pii_salt: str
  • raiseonfail (bool) – If True, and something goes wrong, this will raise an Exception instead of returning normally with a failure condition.
  • override_authdb_path (str or None) – The SQLAlchemy database URL to use if not using the default auth DB.
  • config (SimpleNamespace object or None) – An object containing systemwide config variables as attributes. This is useful when the wrapping function needs to pass in some settings directly from environment variables.

Returns a dict containing the new session information.

Return type:
