Source code for authnzerver.main

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Aug 2018
# License: MIT - see the LICENSE file for the full text.

This is the main file for the authnzerver, a simple authorization and
authentication server backed by SQLite, SQLAlchemy, and Tornado.



import logging

# setup a logger
LOGMOD = __name__


import os
import os.path
import socket
import sys
import signal
import time
import re
from functools import partial
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import random

from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError

from . import dictcache


    import asyncio
    import uvloop

    IOLOOP_SPEC = "uvloop"
except Exception:
    HAVE_UVLOOP = False
    IOLOOP_SPEC = "asyncio"

import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.httpserver
import tornado.web
import tornado.options
from tornado.options import define, options
import multiprocessing as mp


def _handle_mainproc_sigterm(signum, sigframe):
    raises a KeyboardInterrupt for a SIGTERM so we can exit cleanly.


    raise KeyboardInterrupt

def _setup_auth_worker(
    authdb_path, fernet_secret, permissions_json, public_suffix_list
    """This stores secrets and the auth DB path in the worker loop's context.

    The worker will then open the DB and set up its Fernet instance by itself.


    # unregister interrupt signals so they don't get to the workers
    # and the executor can kill them cleanly (hopefully)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

    currproc = mp.current_process() = "Authnzrv-Worker-" +

    currproc.auth_db_path = authdb_path
    currproc.fernet_secret = fernet_secret
    currproc.permissions_json = permissions_json
    currproc.public_suffix_list = public_suffix_list


from .modtools import object_from_string
from .confvars import CONF

# this is the module path
modpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# load all of the conf vars as command-line options
for cv in CONF:

# extra config options provided only as command-line parameters

# the path to an env file containing environment variables
        "Path to a file containing environ variables "
        "for testing/development."

# the path to the confvar file
    default=os.path.join(modpath, ""),
        "Path to the file containing the configuration "
        "variables needed by the server and how to load them."

# whether to make a new authdb if none exists
        "If this is True, will automatically generate an SQLite "
        "authentication database in the basedir, "
        "copy over default-permissions-model.json and "
        " to the basedir for easy customization, and finally, "
        "generate the communications secret file and the PII salt file."

## MAIN ##

[docs]def main(): """ This is the main function. """ # parse the command line tornado.options.parse_command_line() debug = True if options.debugmode == 1 else False # get a logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) ################### ## LOCAL IMPORTS ## ################### from .autosetup import autogen_secrets_authdb from .confload import load_config from . import authdb as authdb_module from .validators import get_public_suffix_list ############## ## HANDLERS ## ############## from .handlers import AuthHandler from .healthcheck import HealthCheckHandler from . import actions ################### ## SET UP CONFIG ## ################### # # handle autosetup # # if autosetup is set, we'll generate the secret and auth DB, then exit # immediately if options.autosetup: ( authdb_path, creds, secret_file, salt_file, env_file, ) = autogen_secrets_authdb( options.basedir, interactive=True, ) logger.warning("Auto-setup complete, exiting...") logger.warning( "Environment variables needed for the authnzerver to start " "have been written to:\n\n%s\n\n" "Edit this file as appropriate or add these " "environment variables to the shell environment." % os.path.abspath(env_file) ) logger.warning( "To run the authnzerver with this env file, " "your selected auth DB, and the auto-setup generated " "secrets files in your selected authnzerver basedir, " "start authnzerver with the following command:\n\n%s\n" % ( 'authnzrv --basedir="%s" --confvars="%s" --envfile="%s"' % ( os.path.abspath(options.basedir), os.path.join( os.path.abspath(options.basedir), "" ), os.path.abspath(env_file), ) ) ) sys.exit(0) # otherwise, we'll assume that all is well, and we'll proceed to load the # config from an envfile, command line args, or the environment. try: # update the conf dict with that loaded from local_conf = object_from_string("%s::CONF" % options.confvars) CONF.update(local_conf) loaded_config = load_config(CONF, options, envfile=options.envfile) except Exception: logger.error( "One or more config variables could not be set " "from the environment, an envfile, or the command " "line options. Exiting..." ) raise maxworkers = loaded_config.workers basedir = loaded_config.basedir "The server's base directory is: %s" % os.path.abspath(basedir) ) port = loaded_config.port listen = loaded_config.listen sessionexpiry = loaded_config.sessionexpiry"Session token expiry is set to: %s days" % sessionexpiry) # get the public suffix list for spam-checking full names of users public_suffix_list = get_public_suffix_list() # # set up the authdb, secret, and permissions model # auth_database_url = loaded_config.authdb secret = loaded_config.secret permissions = loaded_config.permissions ############################ # SPIN UP WORKER PROCESSES # ############################ # # this is the background executor we'll pass over to the handler # executor = ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=maxworkers, initializer=_setup_auth_worker, initargs=(auth_database_url, secret, permissions, public_suffix_list), ) # # NOTE: we've switched to the usual concurrent.futures instead of our own # bundled version in external.futures # # NOTE: from Python 3.9+, ProcessPoolExecutor processes are spawned on # demand. we now map a sleep call to all processes so all of them are # ready at server start. # sleep_times = [random.random() / 2.0 for _ in range(maxworkers)], sleep_times) # handle SIGTERM so we exit cleanly signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _handle_mainproc_sigterm) ########################## ## SET UP ALLOWED HOSTS ## ########################## # empty set to start with allowed_hosts = set({}) # get any additional hosts to allow from the config config_allowed_hosts = loaded_config.allowedhosts.split(";") for h in config_allowed_hosts: if len(h.strip()) > 0: allowed_hosts.add(re.escape(h.strip())) allowed_hosts_regex = r"(%s)" % "|".join(allowed_hosts) loaded_config.allowed_hosts_regex = re.compile(allowed_hosts_regex) "Allowed host regex for incoming HTTP requests is: '%s'" % allowed_hosts_regex ) ######################## ## SET UP RATE LIMITS ## ######################## # can disable rate limiting by passing none to the ratelimits conf item if loaded_config.ratelimits.strip().casefold() == "none": loaded_config.ratelimits = False logger.warning( "HTTP request rate-limiting " "has been disabled by setting 'none' for " "AUTHNZERVER_RATELIMITS or --ratelimits." ) else: default_ratelimits = { "ipaddr": 720, "user": 480, "session": 600, "apikey": 720, "burst": 150, } ratelimits = [ x.strip().replace(" ", "").split(":") for x in loaded_config.ratelimits.split(";") ] ratelimits = {x[0]: int(x[1]) for x in ratelimits} # override defaults with provided values and use defaults for any # missing items in the ratelimit spec ratelimits = {**default_ratelimits, **ratelimits} loaded_config.ratelimits = ratelimits "HTTP request rate-limiting (requests/minute) " "config set to: %s" % ratelimits ) ########################################### ## SET UP CACHE OBJECT FOR RATE-LIMITING ## ########################################### # initialize the cache cacheobj = dictcache.DictCache() ################### ## HANDLER SETUP ## ################### # we only have one actual endpoint, the other one is for testing handlers = [ ( r"/", AuthHandler, { "config": loaded_config, "cacheobj": cacheobj, "executor": executor, "failed_passchecks": {}, }, ), ( r"/health", HealthCheckHandler, { "config": loaded_config, "executor": executor, "cacheobj": cacheobj, }, ), ] if debug: # put in the echo handler for debugging from .debughandler import EchoHandler handlers.append( ( r"/echo", EchoHandler, { "authdb": auth_database_url, "fernet_secret": secret, "executor": executor, }, ) ) ############################# ## SET UP TLS IF REQUESTED ## ############################# if loaded_config.tls_cert_file and loaded_config.tls_cert_key: import ssl ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain( loaded_config.tls_cert_file, keyfile=loaded_config.tls_cert_key ) ssl_ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1 loaded_config.tls_enabled = True else: ssl_ctx = None loaded_config.tls_enabled = False ######################## ## APPLICATION SET UP ## ######################## app = tornado.web.Application( debug=debug, autoreload=False, # this sometimes breaks Executors so disable it ) # try to guard against the DNS rebinding attack # app.add_handlers(allowed_hosts_regex, handlers) # start up the HTTP server and our application http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app, ssl_options=ssl_ctx) ################## ## CHECK THE DB ## ################## # check the authdb is set up with the correct tables # running these after the DB is already set up doesn't do anything if "sqlite:///" in auth_database_url: sqlite_authdb_filepath = auth_database_url.replace("sqlite:///", "")"Checking SQLite auth DB: %s..." % sqlite_authdb_filepath) authdb_module.create_sqlite_authdb(sqlite_authdb_filepath) else:"Checking auth DB at provided auth DB URL...") authdb_module.create_authdb(auth_database_url) # do the initial inserts again, just to be sure # running these again won't do anything if they're set up already try: # get the admin email and password from the env if provided env_admin_email = os.environ.get("AUTHNZERVER_ADMIN_EMAIL", None) env_admin_pass = os.environ.get("AUTHNZERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD", None) admin_user, admin_pass = authdb_module.initial_authdb_inserts( auth_database_url, permissions_json=permissions, superuser_email=env_admin_email, superuser_pass=env_admin_pass, ) logger.warning( "Auth DB at the provided URL was not previously " "set up for use with authnzerver and has " "been (re)initialized." ) if env_admin_email and env_admin_pass: logger.warning( "Admin user email and password were set using the " "provided environment variables." ) creds = os.path.join(basedir, ".authnzerver-admin-credentials") if os.path.exists(creds): logger.warning( "Admin credentials file already exists. " "Writing to a new file..." ) creds = os.path.join( basedir, ".authnzerver-admin-credentials-%s" % int(time.time()) ) with open(creds, "w") as outfd: outfd.write("%s %s\n" % (admin_user, admin_pass)) os.chmod(creds, 0o100400) logger.warning( "Generated admin user " "credentials were written to: %s\n" % creds ) except IntegrityError: "Auth DB is already set up " "at the provided database URL." ) except Exception: logger.error( "Could not open the authentication " "database at the provided URL." ) raise # set up periodic session-killer function and kill old sessions session_killer = partial( actions.auth_kill_old_sessions, session_expiry_days=sessionexpiry, override_authdb_path=auth_database_url, ) session_killer() ###################### ## start the server ## ###################### try: http_server.listen(port, listen) except socket.error: logger.error( "Listen address TCP port: '%s:%s' is already " "in use by another process, " "bailing out..." % (listen, port) ) sys.exit(1) # start the IOLoop and begin serving requests loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() try: # add our periodic callback for the session-killer # runs daily periodic_session_kill = tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback( session_killer, 86400000.0, jitter=0.1, ) periodic_session_kill.start() "Starting authnzerver. " "Listening on htt%s://%s:%s." % ("ps" if loaded_config.tls_enabled else "p", listen, port) ) "The server is starting with TLS %s." % ("enabled" if loaded_config.tls_enabled else "disabled") ) "Background worker processes: %s. IOLoop in use: %s." % (maxworkers, IOLOOP_SPEC) ) # start the IOLoop loop.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning("Received Ctrl-C: shutting down...") # stop the server http_server.stop()"HTTP server shut down.") # close down the processpool executor.shutdown() time.sleep(2)"Worker processes shut down.") # stop the loop loop.stop()"IOLoop shut down.")
# run the server if __name__ == "__main__": main()