Source code for authnzerver.handlers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Aug 2018
# License: MIT - see the LICENSE file for the full text.

"""These are handlers for the authnzerver.



import logging

# get a logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


import json
from functools import partial

# this replaces the default encoder and makes it so Tornado will do the right
# thing when it converts dicts to JSON when a
# tornado.web.RequestHandler.write(dict) is called.
from .jsonencoder import FrontendEncoder

json._default_encoder = FrontendEncoder()

import tornado.web
import tornado.ioloop

from .messaging import encrypt_message, decrypt_message
from .permissions import pii_hash
from .ratelimit import RateLimitMixin, UserLockMixin
from .apischema import validate_and_get_function


[docs]class AuthHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler, RateLimitMixin, UserLockMixin): """ This handles the actual auth requests. """
[docs] def initialize(self, config, executor, cacheobj, failed_passchecks): """ This sets up stuff. """ self.config = config self.authdb = self.config.authdb self.fernet_secret = self.config.secret self.pii_salt = self.config.piisalt self.emailsender = self.config.emailsender self.emailserver = self.config.emailserver self.emailport = self.config.emailport self.emailuser = self.config.emailuser self.emailpass = self.config.emailpass self.executor = executor self.cacheobj = cacheobj self.failed_passchecks = failed_passchecks self.allowed_hosts_regex = config.allowed_hosts_regex self.ratelimits = config.ratelimits
[docs] async def send_response(self, response, reqid): """ This handles the response generation. """ response_dict = { "success": response["success"], "response": response, "messages": response["messages"], "reqid": reqid, } # add the failure reason as a top level item in the response dict # if the action failed if not response["success"] and "failure_reason" in response: response_dict["failure_reason"] = response["failure_reason"] encrypted_base64 = encrypt_message(response_dict, self.fernet_secret) self.set_header("content-type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8") self.write(encrypted_base64) await self.finish()
[docs] def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): """ This writes the error as a response. """ self.set_header("content-type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8") if status_code == 400: self.write( f"HTTP {status_code}: Could not service this request " f"because of invalid request parameters." ) elif status_code == 401: self.write( f"HTTP {status_code}: Could not service this request " f"because of invalid request authentication token or " f"violation of host restriction." ) elif status_code == 429: self.set_header("Retry-After", "180") self.write( f"HTTP {status_code}: Could not service this request " f"because the set rate limit has been exceeded." ) else: self.write(f"HTTP {status_code}: Could not service this request.") if not self._finished: self.finish()
[docs] async def post(self): """ Handles the incoming POST request. """ # decrypt the request payload = decrypt_message(self.request.body, self.fernet_secret) if not payload: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=401) # ignore all requests for echo to this handler if payload["request"] == "echo": LOGGER.error("This handler can't echo things.") raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=400) # get the request ID reqid = payload.get("reqid") if reqid is None: raise ValueError( "No request ID provided. " "Ignoring this request." ) # rate limit the request if this is turned on if self.ratelimits: # get the frontend client IP addr frontend_client_ipaddr = payload.get("client_ipaddr") if not frontend_client_ipaddr: LOGGER.error( "[%s] request: '%s' is missing a payload " "value: 'client_ipaddr' " "needed to calculate rate, dropping this request." % (reqid, payload["request"]) ) raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=400) self.ratelimit_request( reqid, payload["request"], frontend_client_ipaddr, request_body=payload["body"], ) # if we successfully got past host, decryption, rate-limit validation, # then process the request try: # # dispatch the action handler function # # inject the request ID into the body of the request so the backend # function can report on it payload["body"]["reqid"] = reqid # inject the PII salt into the body of the request as well payload["body"]["pii_salt"] = self.pii_salt # # validate the request and choose the function to dispatch # handler_func, problems, validate_msgs = validate_and_get_function( payload["request"], payload["body"] ) if handler_func is None: problems["failure_reason"] = "invalid request parameters" response = { "success": False, "response": problems, "messages": [validate_msgs], } else: # inject the config object into the backend function call # this passes along any secrets or settings from environ # directly to those functions backend_func = partial( handler_func, payload["body"], config=self.config ) # run the function associated with the request type loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() response = await loop.run_in_executor( self.executor, backend_func, ) # # see if the request was one that requires an email and password. in # this case, we'll apply backoff to slow down repeated failed # passwords # passcheck_requests = {"user-login", "user-passcheck-nosession"} if ( payload["request"] in passcheck_requests and response["success"] is False ): ( failure_status, failure_count, failure_wait, ) = await self.handle_failed_logins(payload) # if the user is locked for repeated login failures, handle that if failure_status == "locked": response = await self.lockuser_repeated_login_failures( payload, unlock_after_seconds=self.config.userlocktime ) elif failure_status == "wait": LOGGER.warning( "[%s] User with email: %s is being rate-limited " "after %s failed login attempts. " "Current wait time: %.1f seconds." % ( reqid, pii_hash(payload["body"]["email"], self.pii_salt), failure_count, failure_wait, ) ) # reset the failed counter to zero for each successful attempt elif ( payload["request"] in passcheck_requests and response["success"] is True ): self.failed_passchecks.pop(payload["body"]["email"], None) # # trim the failed_passchecks dict # if len(self.failed_passchecks) > 1000: self.failed_passchecks.pop(self.failed_passchecks.keys()[0]) # # form and send the response # await self.send_response(response, reqid) except Exception: LOGGER.exception("Failed to understand request.") raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=400)