Source code for authnzerver.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains an authnzerver client, useful for frontend servers.



import logging
from typing import Union

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


import json
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from secrets import token_urlsafe

from tornado.httpclient import (
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

from .messaging import encrypt_message, decrypt_message

from .jsonencoder import FrontendEncoder

# this replaces the default encoder and makes it so Tornado will do the right
# thing when it converts dicts to JSON when a
# tornado.web.RequestHandler.write(dict) is called.
json._default_encoder = FrontendEncoder()

# the response object
AuthnzerverResponse = namedtuple(

[docs]class Authnzerver: """An authnzerver client class, capable of async and sync calls. To do anything useful, an *authnzerver_url* and *authnzerver_token* are required. By default, this object will populate these from the environment using the following variables: - AUTHNZERVER_URL -> authnzerver_url - AUTHNZERVER_SECRET -> authnzerver_secret These are overridden by whatever you provide in the *authnzerver_url* and *authnzerver_secret* kwargs. If *tls_certfile* and *tls_keyfile* are both provided, they will be used to set up a TLS-enabled connection to the authnzerver. """ def __init__( self, authnzerver_url: str = None, authnzerver_secret: bytes = None, tls_certfile: str = None, tls_keyfile: str = None, ): """Makes a new Authnzerver client object.""" if authnzerver_url is None: self.authnzerver_url = os.environ.get("AUTHNZERVER_URL", None) else: self.authnzerver_url = authnzerver_url if self.authnzerver_url: self.authnzerver_url = self.authnzerver_url.strip().strip('"') if authnzerver_secret is None: self.authnzerver_secret = os.environ.get( "AUTHNZERVER_SECRET", None ) else: self.authnzerver_secret = authnzerver_secret # check the Fernet key if self.authnzerver_secret: self.authnzerver_secret = self.authnzerver_secret.strip().strip( '"' ) try: Fernet(self.authnzerver_secret) except Exception: LOGGER.error( "The provided authnzerver_secret is " "not a valid Fernet key. " "Check base64 padding. You can use either " "cryptography.Fernet.generate_key() or " "base64.urlsafe_b64encode(secrets.token_bytes())" ".decode('utf-8') to " "generate a compatible secret key." ) raise # get the cert file and key self.tls_certfile = tls_certfile self.tls_keyfile = tls_keyfile
[docs] def request( self, request_type: str, request_body: dict, request_id: Union[str, int] = None, ) -> AuthnzerverResponse: """This does a synchronous request to the authnzerver. Parameters ---------- request_type : str This should be one of the request types defined in the authnzerver `HTTP API <>`_. request_body : dict A dict with the appropriate items needed for *request_type*. This should also contain a key: "client_ipaddr" with the IP address of the frontend server's client. This is used for rate-limiting authnzerver API actions per IP address per minute. request_id : str or int, optional If *request_id* is None, a random 8-byte request ID will be generated for you. Use *request_id* to track authnzerver requests throughout the response handling cycle of your frontend server. Returns ------- namedtuple Returns an *AuthnzerverResponse* named-tuple with the following attributes:: (success, response, messages, headers, status_code, failure_reason) where: - *success* is a boolean indicating if the request was successful. - *response* is a dict containing the full response from the authnzerver. - *messages* is a list of strings containing any messages that are appropriate to pass on to the end-user. - *headers* is a dict containing the response headers from the authnzerver. - *status_code* is the HTTP status code of the authnzerver request. Use this to figure out if your request was being rate-limited (check for 429). - *failure_reason* is None if the request was successful, but if it wasn't, contains the reason why the request might have failed; including details of any exceptions encountered. This MUST NOT be disclosed to an end-user of the frontend server. """ httpclient = HTTPClient() if request_id is None: request_id = token_urlsafe(8) if "client_ipaddr" not in request_body: raise KeyError( "Expected key 'client_ipaddr' in request_body. " "Set this to the frontend client's IP address " "to enable rate-limiting." ) message_dict = { "request": request_type, "body": request_body, "reqid": request_id, "client_ipaddr": request_body["client_ipaddr"], } # encrypt the message encrypted_request = encrypt_message( message_dict, self.authnzerver_secret ) # set up the request request_obj = HTTPRequest( self.authnzerver_url, method="POST", body=encrypted_request, connect_timeout=5.0, request_timeout=5.0, client_key=self.tls_keyfile, client_cert=self.tls_certfile, ) # fire the request try: authnzerver_response = httpclient.fetch( request_obj, ) # decrypt the message decrypted_response = decrypt_message( authnzerver_response.body, self.authnzerver_secret, request_id, ) if decrypted_response is None: return AuthnzerverResponse( False, None, [ "This request could not be completed.", "There was a problem communicating with " "the auth server.", ], dict(authnzerver_response.headers), authnzerver_response.code, "could not decrypt authnzerver response", ) returned_reqid = decrypted_response["reqid"] if returned_reqid != request_id: return AuthnzerverResponse( False, None, [ "This request could not be completed.", "There was a problem communicating with " "the auth server.", ], dict(authnzerver_response.headers), authnzerver_response.code, "authnzerver returned incorrect request ID", ) # # otherwise, return the response # success = decrypted_response.pop("success") messages = decrypted_response.pop("messages", None) headers = dict(authnzerver_response.headers) # some cleanup of the response dict response_dict = decrypted_response["response"] response_dict.pop("success", None) response_dict.pop("messages", None) response_dict.pop("failure_reason", None) status_code = authnzerver_response.code failure_reason = decrypted_response.pop("failure_reason", None) return AuthnzerverResponse( success, response_dict, messages, headers, status_code, failure_reason, ) # non-200 response except HTTPClientError as e: authnzerver_response = e.response return AuthnzerverResponse( False, None, [ "This request could not be completed.", "There was a problem communicating with the auth server.", ], dict(authnzerver_response.headers), authnzerver_response.code, authnzerver_response.body.decode("utf-8"), ) # handle other exceptions except Exception as e: return AuthnzerverResponse( False, None, [ "This request could not be completed.", "There was a problem communicating with the auth server.", ], None, None, "ran into an exception in request to authnzerver: %r" % e, ) finally: httpclient.close()
[docs] async def async_request( self, request_type: str, request_body: dict, request_id: Union[str, int] = None, ): """This does an asynchronous request to the authnzerver. Parameters ---------- request_type : str This should be one of the request types defined in the authnzerver `HTTP API <>`_. request_body : dict A dict with the appropriate items needed for *request_type*. This should also contain a key: "client_ipaddr" with the IP address of the frontend server's client. This is used for rate-limiting authnzerver API actions per IP address per minute. request_id : str or int, optional If *request_id* is None, a random 8-byte request ID will be generated for you. Use *request_id* to track authnzerver requests throughout the response handling cycle of your frontend server. Returns ------- namedtuple Returns an *AuthnzerverResponse* named tuple with the following attributes:: (success, response, messages, headers, status_code, failure_reason) where: - *success* is a boolean indicating if the request was successful. - *response* is a dict containing the full response from the authnzerver. - *messages* is a list of strings containing any messages that are appropriate to pass on to the end-user. - *headers* is a dict containing the response headers from the authnzerver. - *status_code* is the HTTP status code of the authnzerver request. Use this to figure out if your request was being rate-limited (check for 429). - *failure_reason* is None if the request was successful, but if it wasn't, contains the reason why the request might have failed; including details of any exceptions encountered. This MUST NOT be disclosed to an end-user of the frontend server. """ async_httpclient = AsyncHTTPClient() if request_id is None: request_id = token_urlsafe(8) if "client_ipaddr" not in request_body: raise KeyError( "Expected key 'client_ipaddr' in request_body. " "Set this to the frontend client's IP address " "to enable rate-limiting." ) message_dict = { "request": request_type, "body": request_body, "reqid": request_id, "client_ipaddr": request_body["client_ipaddr"], } # encrypt the message encrypted_request = encrypt_message( message_dict, self.authnzerver_secret ) # set up the request request_obj = HTTPRequest( self.authnzerver_url, method="POST", body=encrypted_request, connect_timeout=5.0, request_timeout=5.0, client_key=self.tls_keyfile, client_cert=self.tls_certfile, ) # fire the request try: authnzerver_response = await async_httpclient.fetch( request_obj, ) # decrypt the message decrypted_response = decrypt_message( authnzerver_response.body, self.authnzerver_secret, request_id, ) if decrypted_response is None: return AuthnzerverResponse( False, None, [ "This request could not be completed.", "There was a problem communicating with " "the auth server.", ], dict(authnzerver_response.headers), authnzerver_response.code, "could not decrypt authnzerver response", ) returned_reqid = decrypted_response["reqid"] if returned_reqid != request_id: return AuthnzerverResponse( False, None, [ "This request could not be completed.", "There was a problem communicating with " "the auth server.", ], dict(authnzerver_response.headers), authnzerver_response.code, "authnzerver returned incorrect request ID", ) # # otherwise, return the response # success = decrypted_response.pop("success") messages = decrypted_response.pop("messages", None) headers = dict(authnzerver_response.headers) # some cleanup of the response dict response_dict = decrypted_response["response"] response_dict.pop("success", None) response_dict.pop("messages", None) response_dict.pop("failure_reason", None) status_code = authnzerver_response.code failure_reason = decrypted_response.pop("failure_reason", None) return AuthnzerverResponse( success, response_dict, messages, headers, status_code, failure_reason, ) # non-200 response except HTTPClientError as e: authnzerver_response = e.response return AuthnzerverResponse( False, None, [ "This request could not be completed.", "There was a problem communicating with the auth server.", ], dict(authnzerver_response.headers), authnzerver_response.code, authnzerver_response.body.decode("utf-8"), ) # handle other exceptions except Exception as e: return AuthnzerverResponse( False, None, [ "This request could not be completed.", "There was a problem communicating with the auth server.", ], None, None, "ran into an exception in request to authnzerver: %r" % e, ) finally: async_httpclient.close()