Source code for authnzerver.apiclient

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Aug 2020
# License: MIT - see the LICENSE file for the full text.

This contains an auto-generated API client for the authnzerver.


from functools import partial
from textwrap import dedent

from authnzerver.apischema import SCHEMA, validate_api_request
from authnzerver.client import Authnzerver

[docs]def dynamic_docstring(action: str, use_kwargs: bool = False) -> str: """ This adds a docstring to the dynamically generated function. """ docstring_template = dedent( """\ {docsentence} {kwarg_note} Parameters ---------- {param_list} Returns ------- response : AuthnzerverResponse namedtuple Returns a namedtuple object, which has the following attributes: - success (bool): True if request succeeded, False otherwise. - response (dict or None): The response dict from authnzerver. - messages (list of str): End-user messages from authnzerver. - headers (dict): Authnzerver HTTP response headers. - status_code (int): The HTTP response code from authnzerver. - failure_reason (str): Internal detailed failure reason. """ ) param_template = dedent( """\ {param_name} : {param_types}{optional_note} {param_description} """ ) param_list = [] for arg in SCHEMA[action]["args"]: param_types = arg["type"] if isinstance(param_types, (list, tuple)): param_types = ", ".join(param_types) else: param_types = arg["type"] param_list.append( param_template.format( param_name=arg["name"], param_types=param_types, param_description=arg["doc"], optional_note="", ) ) for kwarg in SCHEMA[action]["kwargs"]: param_types = kwarg["type"] if isinstance(param_types, (list, tuple)): param_types = ", ".join(param_types) else: param_types = kwarg["type"] param_list.append( param_template.format( param_name=kwarg["name"], param_types=param_types, param_description=kwarg["doc"], optional_note=", optional", ) ) if use_kwargs: kwarg_note = ( "\nAll parameters can be specified as keyword arguments.\n" ) else: kwarg_note = "" docstring = docstring_template.format( docsentence=SCHEMA[action]["doc"], param_list="\n".join(param_list), kwarg_note=kwarg_note, ) return docstring
[docs]class APIClient: """An API client for the authnzerver. This auto-generates class methods to call for each API action available in the authnzerver API schema. Parameters ---------- authnzerver_url : str The URL of the authnzerver to connect to. authnzerver_secret : str The shared secret key for the authnzerver. asynchronous : bool, optional, default=False If True, generates awaitable async methods for all API actions. use_kwargs : bool, option, default=False If this is True, all arguments for the auto-generated API methods will be keyword arguments instead of regular arguments for required parameters and keyword arguments for optional ones. Notes ----- Since the class methods and their docstrings are dynamically generated, a simple ``help()`` call won't work to show docstrings. If you're using IPython or the Jupyter notebook, using a ``?`` at the end of the method name works as expected:: # create a new client srv = APIClient(authnzerver_url=..., authnzerver_secret=...) # get help on the user_new() method srv.user_new? In a normal Python shell, however, you must use the following pattern to get help on an APIClient method:: # create a new client srv = APIClient(authnzerver_url=..., authnzerver_secret=...) # get help on the user_new() method print(srv.user_new.__doc__) """
[docs] def dynamic_api_function( self, api_action: str, use_kwargs: bool, *args, **kwargs ): """ Validates an API action, then fires the API call. """ request_schema = SCHEMA.get(api_action, None) if not request_schema: raise ValueError( f"Requested action: '{api_action}' is not a " f"valid authnzerver action." ) request_payload = {} if use_kwargs: for schema_arg in request_schema["args"]: if schema_arg["name"] in kwargs: request_payload[schema_arg["name"]] = kwargs[ schema_arg["name"] ] else: for schema_arg, func_arg in zip(request_schema["args"], args): request_payload[schema_arg["name"]] = func_arg for schema_kwarg in request_schema["kwargs"]: if schema_kwarg["name"] in kwargs: request_payload[schema_kwarg["name"]] = kwargs[ schema_kwarg["name"] ] request_valid, problems, messages = validate_api_request( api_action, request_payload, ) if not request_valid: raise ValueError( f"Requested action: '{api_action}' " f"has invalid arguments: {problems}." ) resp = self.srv.request(api_action, request_payload) return resp
[docs] async def async_dynamic_api_function( self, api_action: str, use_kwargs: bool, *args, **kwargs ): """ Validates an API action, then fires the API call. This version is async. """ request_schema = SCHEMA.get(api_action, None) if not request_schema: raise ValueError( f"Requested action: '{api_action}' is not a " f"valid authnzerver action." ) request_payload = {} if use_kwargs: for schema_arg in request_schema["args"]: if schema_arg["name"] in kwargs: request_payload[schema_arg["name"]] = kwargs[ schema_arg["name"] ] else: for schema_arg, func_arg in zip(request_schema["args"], args): request_payload[schema_arg["name"]] = func_arg for schema_kwarg in request_schema["kwargs"]: if schema_kwarg["name"] in kwargs: request_payload[schema_kwarg["name"]] = kwargs[ schema_kwarg["name"] ] request_valid, problems, messages = validate_api_request( api_action, request_payload, ) if not request_valid: raise ValueError( f"Requested action: '{api_action}' " f"has invalid arguments: {problems}." ) return await self.srv.async_request(api_action, request_payload)
def __init__( self, authnzerver_url: str = None, authnzerver_secret: bytes = None, asynchronous: bool = False, use_kwargs: bool = False, ): """ Makes a new APIClient. Parameters ---------- authnzerver_url : str The URL of the authnzerver to connect to. authnzerver_secret : str The shared secret key for the authnzerver. asynchronous : bool, optional, default=False If True, generates awaitable async methods for all API actions. use_kwargs : bool, option, default=False If this is True, all arguments for the auto-generated API methods will be keyword arguments instead of regular arguments for required parameters and keyword arguments for optional ones. """ self.srv = Authnzerver( authnzerver_url=authnzerver_url, authnzerver_secret=authnzerver_secret, ) # # create dynamic functions for all API actions in the schema # if asynchronous: for action in SCHEMA: function_to_use = partial( self.async_dynamic_api_function, action, use_kwargs, ) method_name = action.replace("-", "_") method_docstring = dynamic_docstring( action, use_kwargs=use_kwargs ) function_to_use.__doc__ = method_docstring function_to_use.__name__ = method_name setattr(self, method_name, function_to_use) else: for action in SCHEMA: function_to_use = partial( self.dynamic_api_function, action, use_kwargs, ) method_name = action.replace("-", "_") method_docstring = dynamic_docstring( action, use_kwargs=use_kwargs ) function_to_use.__doc__ = method_docstring function_to_use.__name__ = method_name setattr(self, method_name, function_to_use)