Source code for authnzerver.actions.passcheck

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Aug 2018
# License: MIT - see the LICENSE file for the full text.

"""This contains functions to drive session-related auth actions.



import logging
from types import SimpleNamespace

# get a logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



    from datetime import timezone, timedelta

    utc = timezone.utc

except Exception:

    from datetime import timedelta, tzinfo

    ZERO = timedelta(0)

    class UTC(tzinfo):

        def utcoffset(self, dt):
            return ZERO

        def tzname(self, dt):
            return "UTC"

        def dst(self, dt):
            return ZERO

    utc = UTC()

from sqlalchemy import select
from argon2 import PasswordHasher

from ..permissions import pii_hash
from authnzerver.actions.utils import get_procdb_permjson

from .session import auth_session_exists


pass_hasher = PasswordHasher()


[docs]def auth_password_check( payload: dict, override_authdb_path: str = None, raiseonfail: bool = False, config: SimpleNamespace = None, ) -> dict: """This runs a password check given a session token and password. Used to gate high-security areas or operations that require re-verification of the password for a user's existing session. Parameters ---------- payload : dict This is a dict containing the following items: - session_token - password In addition to these items received from an authnzerver client, the payload must also include the following keys (usually added in by a wrapping function): - reqid: int or str - pii_salt: str override_authdb_path : str or None The SQLAlchemy database URL to use if not using the default auth DB. raiseonfail : bool If True, and something goes wrong, this will raise an Exception instead of returning normally with a failure condition. config : SimpleNamespace object or None An object containing systemwide config variables as attributes. This is useful when the wrapping function needs to pass in some settings directly from environment variables. Returns ------- dict Returns a dict containing the result of the password verification check. """ engine, meta, permjson, dbpath = get_procdb_permjson( override_authdb_path=override_authdb_path, override_permissions_json=None, raiseonfail=raiseonfail, ) for key in ("reqid", "pii_salt"): if key not in payload: LOGGER.error( "Missing %s in payload dict. Can't process this request." % key ) return { "success": False, "failure_reason": ( "invalid request: missing '%s' in request" % key ), "user_id": None, "messages": ["Invalid password check request."], } # check broken request request_ok = True for item in ("password", "session_token"): if item not in payload: request_ok = False break # this checks if the database connection is live users = meta.tables["users"] # # check if the request is OK # # if it isn't, then hash the dummy user's password twice if not request_ok: # dummy session request auth_session_exists( { "session_token": "nope", "reqid": payload["reqid"], "pii_salt": payload["pii_salt"], }, raiseonfail=raiseonfail, override_authdb_path=override_authdb_path, ) # get the dummy user's password from the DB on an outright failure - # run this twice to match the number of verifications for a normal # successful user dummy_sel = ( select(users.c.password) .select_from(users) .where(users.c.user_id == 3) ) with engine.begin() as conn: for _ in range(2): dummy_results = conn.execute(dummy_sel) dummy_password = dummy_results.scalar() try: pass_hasher.verify(dummy_password, "nope") except Exception: pass LOGGER.error( "[%s] Password check failed for session_token: %s. " "Missing request items." % ( payload["reqid"], pii_hash(payload["session_token"], payload["pii_salt"]), ) ) return { "success": False, "failure_reason": ( "invalid request: missing either 'password' or 'session_token'" ), "user_id": None, "messages": ["Invalid password verification request."], } # otherwise, now we'll check if the session exists else: session_info = auth_session_exists( { "session_token": payload["session_token"], "reqid": payload["reqid"], "pii_salt": payload["pii_salt"], }, raiseonfail=raiseonfail, override_authdb_path=override_authdb_path, ) # if it doesn't, hash the dummy password twice if not session_info["success"]: # get the dummy user's password from the DB on an outright failure # run this twice to match the number of verifications for a normal # successful user dummy_sel = ( select(users.c.password) .select_from(users) .where(users.c.user_id == 3) ) with engine.begin() as conn: for _ in range(2): dummy_results = conn.execute(dummy_sel) dummy_password = dummy_results.scalar() try: pass_hasher.verify(dummy_password, "nope") except Exception: pass LOGGER.error( "[%s] Password check failed for session_token: %s. " "The session token provided does not exist." % ( payload["reqid"], pii_hash(payload["session_token"], payload["pii_salt"]), ) ) return { "success": False, "failure_reason": "session does not exist", "user_id": None, "messages": ["No session token provided."], } # if the session token does exist, we'll proceed to checking the # password for the provided email else: with engine.begin() as conn: # always get the dummy user's password from the DB dummy_sel = ( select(users.c.password) .select_from(users) .where(users.c.user_id == 3) ) dummy_results = conn.execute(dummy_sel) dummy_password = dummy_results.scalar() try: pass_hasher.verify(dummy_password, "nope") except Exception: pass # look up the actual provided user user_sel = ( select( users.c.user_id, users.c.password, users.c.is_active, users.c.user_role, ) .select_from(users) .where( users.c.user_id == session_info["session_info"]["user_id"] ) ) user_results = conn.execute(user_sel) user_info = user_results.first() if user_info: try: pass_ok = pass_hasher.verify( user_info.password, payload["password"][:256], ) except Exception as e: LOGGER.error( "[%s] Password check failed for session_token: %s. " "The password provided does not match the one on " "record for user_id: %s. Exception was: %r" % ( payload["reqid"], pii_hash( payload["session_token"], payload["pii_salt"] ), pii_hash(user_info.user_id, payload["pii_salt"]), e, ) ) pass_ok = False else: try: pass_hasher.verify(dummy_password, "nope") except Exception: pass pass_ok = False if not pass_ok: return { "success": False, "failure_reason": ( "user does not exist or password doesn't match" ), "user_id": None, "messages": [ "Sorry, that user ID and " "password combination didn't work." ], } # if password verification succeeeded, check if the user can # actually log in (i.e. their account is not locked or is not # inactive) else: # if the user account is active and unlocked, proceed. # the frontend will take this user_id and ask for a new session # token with it. if user_info.is_active and user_info.user_role != "locked": "[%s] Password check successful for " "session_token: %s. " "Matched user with user_id: %s. " % ( payload["reqid"], pii_hash( payload["session_token"], payload["pii_salt"] ), pii_hash(user_info.user_id, payload["pii_salt"]), ) ) return { "success": True, "user_id": user_info.user_id, "user_role": user_info.user_role, "messages": ["Verification successful."], } # if the user account is locked, return a failure else: LOGGER.error( "[%s] Password check failed for session_token: %s. " "Matched user with user_id: %s is not active " "or is locked." % ( payload["reqid"], pii_hash( payload["session_token"], payload["pii_salt"] ), pii_hash(user_info.user_id, payload["pii_salt"]), ) ) return { "success": False, "failure_reason": "user exists but is inactive", "user_id": user_info.user_id, "messages": [ "Sorry, that user ID and " "password combination didn't work." ], }
[docs]def auth_password_check_nosession( payload: dict, override_authdb_path: str = None, raiseonfail: bool = False, config: SimpleNamespace = None, ) -> dict: """This runs a password check given an email address and password. Used to gate high-security areas or operations that require re-verification of the password for a user, without checking if they have a session. Useful for APIs, where the 'password' is some API token. Parameters ---------- payload : dict This is a dict containing the following items: - email - password In addition to these items received from an authnzerver client, the payload must also include the following keys (usually added in by a wrapping function): - reqid: int or str - pii_salt: str override_authdb_path : str or None The SQLAlchemy database URL to use if not using the default auth DB. raiseonfail : bool If True, and something goes wrong, this will raise an Exception instead of returning normally with a failure condition. config : SimpleNamespace object or None An object containing systemwide config variables as attributes. This is useful when the wrapping function needs to pass in some settings directly from environment variables. Returns ------- dict Returns a dict containing the result of the password verification check. """ engine, meta, permjson, dbpath = get_procdb_permjson( override_authdb_path=override_authdb_path, override_permissions_json=None, raiseonfail=raiseonfail, ) for key in ("reqid", "pii_salt"): if key not in payload: LOGGER.error( "Missing %s in payload dict. Can't process this request." % key ) return { "success": False, "failure_reason": ( "invalid request: missing '%s' in request" % key ), "user_id": None, "messages": ["Invalid password check request."], } # check broken request request_ok = True for item in ("password", "email"): if item not in payload: request_ok = False break users = meta.tables["users"] # # check if the request is OK # # if it isn't, then hash the dummy user's password twice if not request_ok: # get the dummy user's password from the DB on an outright failure - # run this twice to match the number of verifications for a normal # successful user dummy_sel = ( select(users.c.password) .select_from(users) .where(users.c.user_id == 3) ) with engine.begin() as conn: for _ in range(2): dummy_results = conn.execute(dummy_sel) dummy_password = dummy_results.scalar() try: pass_hasher.verify(dummy_password, "nope") except Exception: pass LOGGER.error( "[%s] Password check failed for email: %s. " "Missing request items." % ( payload["reqid"], pii_hash(payload["email"], payload["pii_salt"]), ) ) return { "success": False, "failure_reason": ( "invalid request: missing 'email' or 'password' in request" ), "user_id": None, "messages": ["Invalid password verification request."], } # otherwise, now we'll check if the user exists and the password is correct else: with engine.begin() as conn: # always get the dummy user's password from the DB dummy_sel = ( select(users.c.password) .select_from(users) .where(users.c.user_id == 3) ) dummy_results = conn.execute(dummy_sel) dummy_password = dummy_results.scalar() try: pass_hasher.verify(dummy_password, "nope") except Exception: pass # look up the actual provided user user_sel = ( select( users.c.user_id, users.c.password, users.c.is_active, users.c.user_role, ) .select_from(users) .where( == payload["email"]) ) user_results = conn.execute(user_sel) user_info = user_results.first() pass_ok = False if user_info: try: pass_ok = pass_hasher.verify( user_info.password, payload["password"][:256], ) except Exception as e: LOGGER.error( "[%s] Password check failed for email: %s. " "The password provided does not match the one on " "record for user_id: %s. Exception was: %r" % ( payload["reqid"], pii_hash(payload["email"], payload["pii_salt"]), pii_hash(user_info.user_id, payload["pii_salt"]), e, ) ) pass_ok = False # if the user doesn't exist, do a dummy pass hash else: try: pass_hasher.verify(dummy_password, "nope") except Exception: pass pass_ok = False if not pass_ok: return { "success": False, "failure_reason": ( "user does not exist or password doesn't match" ), "user_id": None, "messages": [ "Sorry, that user ID and " "password combination didn't work." ], } # if password verification succeeeded, check if the user can # actually log in (i.e. their account is not locked or is not # inactive) else: # if the user account is active and unlocked, proceed. # the frontend will take this user_id and ask for a new session # token with it. if user_info.is_active and user_info.user_role != "locked": "[%s] Password check successful for email: %s. " "Matched user with user_id: %s. " % ( payload["reqid"], pii_hash(payload["email"], payload["pii_salt"]), pii_hash(user_info.user_id, payload["pii_salt"]), ) ) return { "success": True, "user_id": user_info.user_id, "user_role": user_info.user_role, "messages": ["Verification successful."], } # if the user account is locked, return a failure else: LOGGER.error( "[%s] Password check failed for email: %s. " "Matched user with user_id: %s is not active " "or is locked." % ( payload["reqid"], pii_hash(payload["email"], payload["pii_salt"]), pii_hash(user_info.user_id, payload["pii_salt"]), ) ) return { "success": False, "failure_reason": "user exists but is inactive", "user_id": user_info.user_id, "messages": [ "Sorry, that user ID and " "password combination didn't work." ], }